Why you shouldn’t eat that chocolate bar? – with baby steps!

One of the biggest problems that we have is our weight!
Many of us are struggling to lose weight, but because of their tight schedule, the allotted time for building a diet plan does not exist. That’s why it’s very hard for them to change their routine, their habits, their food preferences.

Is chocolate one of your most consumed food? Do you feel addicted to sweets? Do you need(or think you need) to eat something sweet in the morning?

If your answer is yes to at least one of the questions above, then maybe you should pay more attention to your needs.

Not getting enough sleep makes you crave for sweets in the morning. But this doesn’t mean that sweets are going to help you!
Not at all! When you are tired, you should eat less. In this way you will be able to accomplish your tasks during that day.

It’s ok to start with baby steps! If you are ok with your efforts, that’s fine!
I bet you don’t need sweets at the first hour of the day! Just try to drink some water, a coffee and eat a healthy breakfast.


Do you have to go shopping during the evening? Then try to eat something (a fruit, a healthy sandwich, a salad) before going to the supermarket. Otherwise, it will be very difficult to not crave for sweets!

Are you already craving for sweets and you are sure it’s not hunger? You do realize that you are not the only one that is having troubles with craving, right?

Let me ask you a few questions:

1. Do you go to gym?
2. Do you walk every day at least 30 minutes?
3. Do you practice any sport?
4. Are you doing anything besides running after you kid?
5. Do you at least climb the stairs?
6. Do you exercise?
7. Do you want to gain more weight?

The next time when you want to eat a chocolate bar, please ask yourself the questions above.

How to accept people you don’t like

We encounter this situation at the office, right? People how don’t know how to talk, who always express their opinion even if nobody asks them. They always have something to say, but they never offer you their support!

And they are actually sitting near you! And you don’t feel good in this situation. You have to accept it and to behave polite.

Hmm, some of us are very calm and know very well how to treat with these people,
some of us are more impulsive and need to work hard with themselves in order to feel comfortable.

This article is for those of you who need ideas of how to treat with this kind of people.



1. you don’t have a problem with that person
2. you can be respected by everyone
3. you can control your personal behavior
4. you are able to analyze situations and find the perfect solutions that work for you
5. you can take criticism positively
6. you are self-motivated to do your best


1. stay positive and keep your emotions under control. You should always find things that make you happy. (take with you you’re son’s drawing, buy some flowers, use a coloured agenda)
2. try to don’t lose your headphones. I’ve already told you how important they are!
3. your energy is valuable, so don’t waste it arguing. Remember, the person near you, that one little ***…****… , will think and say whatever he wants, despite your arguments,
your mood, your everything! So don’t waste your time!
4. you don’t have to respond to rudeness, so don’t!
5. try to minimize your interactions. ( for example find someone to go to lunch with, your pause should be yours! go outside, take some fresh air, let go to the negative energy and come back calm at the office)
6. are you a strong problem solver? You should be, especially for you! So keep this in mind, and repeat this sentence whenever you need to: “I am a STRONG problem solver and
I don’t need this s***.” (OMG, this is me talking! but yeah, I can be unconcerned!)
7. continue beeing polite

Music for soul

Dale Carnegie says: ” Live in “Day-tight Compartments”. Can I get more out of life by “living in day-tight compartments” ?”.

I was applying this advice long before reading Dale Carnegie’s book: How To Stop Worrying And Start Living.
But how do I do it?

Whenever I need to focus on something, I put my headphones on! It helps me stop thinking about anything else but my work (in the most cases). Today, Rod Stewart is my companion!

Does it really worth it?

Have you ever noticed that when you’re stressed, you spread stress more easily around you?
It’s like that moment when you are concentrated on doing something, and everything that distracts your attention makes you nervous( or drives you nuts!).
And yes, the first thing that you do is starting to scream and …well, you know, say things that shouldn’t be sad. Does it sound familiar?


If it does, then you surely know that it’s really frustrating for you and for your companion. People don’t react very good when you’re yelling and saying bad things.
Especially when they have nothing to do with your mood.

They might react in the same manner, or worse, shutting themselves up.

Sylvia Plath is saying:

So many people are shut up tight inside themselves like boxes, yet they would open up, unfolding quite wonderfully, if only you were interested in them.”-(Initiation)
-Sylvia Plath, Johnny Panic and the Bible of Dreams: Short Stories, Prose and Diary Excerpts

When you yell at someone, that someone might think that you don’t care about its feelings.

Does it really worth it? Is this what you want?

It depends on us to keep building, and not destroyng!

I bet that you also feel bad when you’re starting a fight when it’s really not the case.

These are some questions at which we should find some answers. On our own!

  • What’s the cause of our mood? ( have we eaten enough chocolate today? 😛 )
  • Do we feel better after a fight?
  • It’s relieving?
  • Can we do something about it?
  • Can we change ourselvs to be more peaceful?
  • Can we do things differently?
  • Why do we even yell?

What do you do when your heart is pumping?

What do you do? What do you do when you feel like you want to punch someone in the face?

Take a breath(breath!) ! And keep it simple! Don’t respond and do not try to find “the best” response in a crisis situation!

Let me tell you why! When you are in a meeting in which all the other persons are very stressed (not that you wouldn’t be), they tend to be nervous and scared and frustrated.
So, whatever someone says in that meeting, and it’s not being sad in a positive way, the sparks will fly! So, step back, listen very carefully what everyone has to say, and if it is the case, present your opinion.
Be careful though to be in a calm manner! Breath and say what you have to say.

Don’t mention someone’s name – this would create crisis around you!
Be short and pay attention to the others. Speak when it is your turn and do not interrupt anyone.

Let the people calm down and do not try to do this for them! Believe me, almost everyone can calm down by themselves in a meeting.

5 tips to reduce stress during the evening

I usually arrive home very stressed and tired because of my activity during the day. This is not good! Not for me, nor for my family, kids… mother-in-law …yeah, you know how this goes.
When I realize that I just can’t calm down, and I dream about issues from my office, and I don’t have patience anymore with my kid, and so on… I know that I have to do something about it!

I reveal you 5 tips that work for me to reduce stress during the evening:

  1.  Sitting on a chaire for 5 minutes and think about good moments, extraordinary memories, vacations. I’m thinking about things that make me happy.
  2.  Drinking a cup of tea or coffee. I have my own special recipe for my beloved evening coffee. Why coffee?! It’s simple! Because sometimes I’m so tired that I can’t even hear my thoughts! So a good cup of coffee or a refreshing tea works pretty good for me. If it’s to late, than I’ll just drink a cup of linden tea.
  3. Going out to a walk with my husband and my kid. We talk, we walk and these things give me the believe that I’m accepted and understood. Not to mention the fresh air that remindes me that there is life after work!
  4.  Laying down on the carpet, in my living room. Yes, my daughter is all over me, but at least I have about 2 minutes only for me, with my back straight, thinking about nothing!
  5.  Colouring animations with my daugther. I really relax my mind because I’m only thinking about what colour should I use! Fascinating! Do you know there are colouring books for adults? They are very interesting and promising.


I’m not saying that this tips should work for everyone, but if you haven’t tried them, give them a chance 🙂

Count to 10!

This is something my dad teach me in my childhood. When you don’t want to answer in a rude way or you have to calm down instead of yelling try to count to 10. A good advice, don’t you think?!


In time, you actually understand that you can say whatever you like in those 10 seconds, like say “F*** you” 10 times, take 5 sips of water, say “what a beautiful day!”- with a big smile on your face, …. Remember, everything you say should be with your mouth shut! Ok?!

Let’s talk!

There are times when you feel like you’re full of negative energy and you just can’t anymore. It really doesn’t matter if it is about work, about family, kids, friends.  You just need to relax and you don’t know HOW! Well, be ready for this! Because this is one of the most applicable method to reduce stress:

  • call someone you trust
  • invite someone to a coffee

Share your thoughts! Share your stress! Share your emotions!

It really helps talking about your problems and eventually you will be able to find new approach techniques that will launch you in a new direction.

Try it and let me know how it works! For me is just … relieving!

Big changes need perseverance

Fridays can be easily considered as the days to reconsider your life. Why not?! It’s been a hard week, you are tired and maybe you have a lot of plans for the weekend ( do you?!).
I have a few questions for you:
•    Are you happy with everything you’ve done this week? Did everything went fine at your work?
•    Will you have enough time to spend with your family?
•    Will you have time to take a long bath and think only at your person? What about a book? Do you have time to read 5 pages from a book?
•   Have you followed your diet plan? The exercises?
These are just a small part of the questions you should ask yourself every week if you want to make some changes in your life. Let me tell you that changes come with time.
A little today, a little tomorrow … big changes need perseverance!